Camping World Site On Rocklin’s Toy Row Sold To Utah-Based Buyer, Planned For New Use
Source: Sacramento Business Journal
Brokers: Ken Turton , Jon Lang , Scott Kingston
Camping supplies are out for a property on Rocklin’s Toy Row, but the next use is likely to fit with other businesses in that retail stretch.
An unidentified buyer based in Utah bought the 4435 Granite Drive property earlier this week, likely for a future use related to automotive sales or service, said listing broker Ken Turton of Turton Commercial Real Estate.
“There are significant upgrades needed to make it showroom condition,” Turton said. “You wouldn’t necessarily need to change much if it becomes a service center or used trucks dealer.”
The latter option is a possibility for the unidentified new owner, who operates a similar business in Nevada, Turton said. Alternatively, that owner, who bought it under the name 4435 Granite Drive LLC for $6.85 million, could lease it to another auto-related business, he said.