New Development Proposal Could Be The Spark That Brings About The Renewal Of The Long-Neglected River District
Source: Sacramento Business Journal
Brokers: Ken Turton , Scott Kingston
For those who’ve waited for Sacramento’s River District to turn the corner, the new Grower’s District proposal could be the plan they’ve been waiting for.
Under a plan for new and adaptive reuse development for two blocks of the River District, the area would be transformed with hundreds of new residential units and commercial space.
“It’s the kind of seed investment that turns the area around,” said City Councilmember Jeff Harris, whose District includes the Grower’s District site. “The idea is to attract enough people to then draw the services, and it creates a momentum.”
City planners are reviewing the Grower’s District proposal, which covers three properties at 200, 211 and 215 N. 16th St. that combined would have 540 housing units and about 70,000 square feet of commercial space, for an overall project of 445,472 square feet.